NEWS New year regis­tra­ti­ons open, cont­act us and renew your card!

Alm cui­sine

As pas­sio­na­te hosts, eating and drin­king is as important to us as salt in the soup. We con­stant­ly chan­ge dis­hes and their pre­pa­ra­ti­on to keep it exci­ting. From the exclu­si­ve menu to the hut clas­sic. It is important to us to be authen­tic. We cook with and accor­ding to the sea­son. The use of fresh pro­ducts, which main­ly come from the regi­on, is very important to us. 


Whe­ther among ski­ers, hikers or gour­mets — our kit­chen is known for tasty Upper Pala­ti­na­te dis­hes. Oni­on roast beef from Jura­distl beef, cris­py Jura schnit­zel or even wit­hout meat. We pro­mi­se excel­lent Bava­ri­an cui­sine with the hig­hest rating. We attach gre­at importance to the fresh­ness and ori­gin of the pro­ducts, which is why we ser­ve you regio­nal top qua­li­ty. In addi­ti­on to the tra­di­tio­nal inn cul­tu­re, we also offer you a sel­ec­ted drinks menu with eco­lo­gi­cal beers from Neu­markt and fine wines from near and far.


For the per­fect start in the mor­ning, we ser­ve a hear­ty moun­tain break­fast with ever­y­thing that goes with it.


Of cour­se we take aller­gy suf­fe­rers into account and cook lac­to­se and glu­ten-free on request.

Menu — July 2022