NEWS New year regis­tra­ti­ons open, cont­act us and renew your card!

Our regi­on

Neu­markt in der Ober­pfalz is loca­ted direct­ly in the Bava­ri­an Jura and offers a wide varie­ty of excur­si­on desti­na­ti­ons right in the city, but also in Nurem­berg, Regens­burg, the Alt­mühl­tal Natu­re Park, Fran­co­ni­an Switz­er­land, the Fran­co­ni­an Lake Dis­trict and the Bava­ri­an Forest. Within a radi­us of 1 to 70 kilo­me­ters you can expect many land­scape and cul­tu­ral trips with very dif­fe­rent focu­ses and experiences.

Cul­tu­re and lifestyle

The loca­ti­on of the Catho­lic pil­grimage church abo­ve the town of Neu­markt is only minu­tes away from our house. The­re you are approx. 586 meters high abo­ve Neu­markt and have an incre­di­ble view over the city. Would you like a spi­ri­tu­al walk? Next to the road, through the dis­trict of Höhen­berg, a Way of the Cross with 367 steps leads up and down from the church. Once you have arri­ved at the bot­tom, the his­to­ric old town awaits you with many sights, such as the late Gothic town hall, a lar­ge­ly pre­ser­ved medieval city for­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, the for­mer Count Pala­ti­ne Cast­le and the Lud­wig-Danu­be-Main Canal.


Do you want to stroll exten­si­ve­ly? In Neumarkt’s old town the­re are count­less small shops offe­ring some­thing for every tas­te. If you are out and about in bad wea­ther, the “Neu­er Markt” shop­ping cen­ter right in the city cen­ter invi­tes you to stroll or watch a movie. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on this direct­ly on the “Neu­er Markt” web­site. 


Take the time to visit the “His­to­ri­scher Reit­sta­del” cul­tu­ral cen­ter, whe­re e.g. Con­certs by well-known soloists and ensem­bles take place. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on about this on the web­site of the Neu­mark­ter Kon­zert­freun­de or the city of Neu­markt.


For art con­nois­seurs and tho­se inte­res­ted in modern art, Neu­markt offers the „Lothar-Fischer-Muse­um“, which is now more than just an insi­der tip.


Do you enjoy his­to­ric auto­mo­bi­les of the extra class? In the uni­que May­bach Muse­um the­re is a spec­ta­cu­lar coll­ec­tion of cars of this brand.


We attach gre­at importance to good beer on the Alm, which is why we recom­mend the Neu­mark­ter Lamms­bräu beer. We would be hap­py to orga­ni­ze a bre­wery tour for you in the local bio­lo­gi­cal bre­wery. Orga­nic becau­se only non-GMO and orga­ni­cal­ly grown raw mate­ri­als are used for the enti­re Lamms­bräu ran­ge. A visit is defi­ni­te­ly worthwhile.


Neu­markt is loca­ted in the midd­le of the two metro­po­li­ses Nurem­berg and Regens­burg. Thanks to our good con­nec­tion to the A3 motor­way, you can reach both major cities from here in just a few minu­tes by car. Alter­na­tively, you can also switch to public trans­port, which will take you to your desti­na­ti­on at a com­pa­ra­ble speed.