NEWS New year regis­tra­ti­ons open, cont­act us and renew your card!


Take advan­ta­ge of our num­e­rous sports and lei­su­re oppor­tu­ni­ties, which you can expe­ri­ence eit­her direct­ly at the house or in the sur­roun­ding area. Choo­se from our wide ran­ge of sports:

Hiking, jog­ging or Nor­dic walking

Fan­cy hiking? Enjoy the beau­tiful sur­roun­dings on a long hike through our breath­ta­king forests. For­get the stress of ever­y­day life and fol­low the call of natu­re on well-sign­pos­ted and award-win­ning hiking trails, such as the wit­ness moun­tain cir­cuit, the Jurast­eig, the 4‑element trail, the Pöl­lin­ger cir­cu­lar tour or the many other rou­tes. Our beau­tiful sur­roun­dings are also per­fect for a mor­ning jog or an exten­si­ve Nor­dic wal­king tour.


Swim­ming pro­mo­tes blood cir­cu­la­ti­on throug­hout the body and direct­ly chal­lenges all major mus­cle groups. It is all the nicer that we have many swim­ming pools and lakes in Neu­markt and the sur­roun­ding area, which you can visit during your stay.


Do you want to explo­re the regi­on by bike? No pro­blem! It does­n’t mat­ter whe­ther you want to dri­ve through the forest or com­for­ta­b­ly along the canal. Here, too, our natu­re offers the right rou­tes for every type of bicycle.

Hor­se riding

Around our beau­tiful grounds you will find hor­ses. Anyo­ne who loves the­se magi­cal crea­tures will find their grea­test joy here. Trail rides with your own hor­se, gui­ded trail rides or riding les­sons. You are gua­ran­teed to find a sui­ta­ble offer here. We would be hap­py to recom­mend the new Holl­weck riding sta­bles right in town.


With us, gol­fers’ hearts beat fas­ter: Varied and excel­lent fair­ways in a won­derful land­scape, lar­ge greens and beau­tiful obs­ta­cles. The near­by golf cour­ses offer exci­ting chal­lenges for all golfers.